As paper bags supplier and paper bags wholesale, we manufacture huge paper bags every year. Our paper bags have many styles including laminated paper bags, unlamninated luxury paper bags, borwn paper bags, white paper bags and more. All our paper bags are recyclable and reusable that are known as eco-friendly paper shopping bags.
What kind of paper bags are the cheapest? Answer is brown paper bags. because brown paper bags are made from brown kraft paper that are the cheapest paper, Meanwhile, those brown paper bags can be glued twisted rope or flat paper hanlde by machine. As you know, the cost of twisted rope and flat paper handle are the lowest. So combining the cheapest paper and cheapest handle, you can get the cheapest shopping bags--brown paper bags. it mean you can carry goods in green and cost effective way.
We just finished a brown paper bags as following:
80gsm brown kraft paper, 2c printing, flat paper handle.
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